The Psychology Power of Credibility
Whenever your prospects are reading your sales letter or other content, they’ve got their defense shields up. They’re skeptical. And one of the thoughts that will be floating through their head is this: “Why should I listen to this person?”
You need to give your prospects a good reason. In other words, you need to build your credibility.
Let me give you some examples of credibility-building statements:
- Why should you listen to me? Simple: because last year my business generated $1,117,922. I know how marketing works, and now I want to share my secrets with you.
- I lost 50 pounds using this diet plan, and I’ve kept it off for three years. I’ve helped 388 other people just like you lose at least 50 pounds too. This plan worked for me, it works for others, and it will work for you too.
- My books have soared to the top of the USA Today Bestseller’s lists three times in the past 18 months – so you know this novel-writing course is the real deal.
- I’ve spent ten years honing my copywriting skills. My sales letters have pulled in $200 million worth of frontend sales and created countless backend opportunities. Now you too can put my experience and skills to work for you.
- Simon has spent the last two decades learning everything there is to know about the human metabolism. You won’t find a better-researched book or a medical doctor with more experience in this field.
So the bottom line here is to give your readers a reason to listen to you.
Do you have experience?
- Credentials?
- A degree?
- Specific results in the field?
- Awards?
Whatever it is, build your credibility by sharing it with your readers.
Next time, we’ll cover the power of specificity…

Being Sociable